Colemine Records

Awesome Bands I Don't Play With - Part I: Fat Night

I get this question a lot, "So how many bands do you play with?"

Well, you can get that answer here.

While some may consider that list pretty extensive, there are certainly tons of great bands and artists out there I am not officially a part of.  With that in mind, I've decided to make a series of blog posts highlighting some of my favorite groups and individuals around Florida I do not play with.

Part one of this series features Orlando soul powerhouse and Colemine Records group, Fat Night!

I've had the pleasure of seeing these guys perform on multiple occasions and they were an instant favorite after the first song.  Fat Night consists of 4 members: Daniel Hanson (guitar/vocals), Ted Issen (bass), Nik Ritchie (drums) and Gabriel Gundacker (keys/vocals).

Daniel is not only the soulful front man for this group but can be seen playing with local blues/progressive rock group Fast Preacherand was also the engineer for Buster Keaton's latest EP featuring yours truly.  When not being one of the grooviest bass players in town, Ted is currently finishing up his degree at Florida State University this spring.  Nik has been a staple drummer in the Orlando scene for years in the jazz, hip-hop and funky soul realms, currently drumming for up and coming funk project ISM as well.  Gabriel is a man of many talents who is an actor for Universal Studios (and other productions) and also performs at the SAK comedy lab in downtown Orlando.  Bottom line, these dudes are talented!

If I had to pick a favorite tune, I would probably suggest "Smilin'" off their latest self titled record, Fat Night, which they released last summer.  They are currently in the works of putting out their next record, so stay tuned!


Check out their latest release below and make sure to check these guys out ASAP!